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  • sarahhubbard9

Welcome to another insightful blog from GoGreen Financial Services! This month, we're delving into the intricate process of making property offers and navigating the beginning stages of buying a home. Whether you're a seasoned homeowner, a first-time buyer, or an investor eyeing the buy-to-let market, we've curated a treasure trove of tips, tricks, and hacks to empower you in your property journey.

1.      Embarking on your property journey without securing an Agreement in Principle (AIP) is like setting sail without a compass. This crucial step not only sets a realistic budget but also demonstrates to sellers and estate agents that you are a serious and financially capable buyer. An AIP is your key to unlocking the doors of opportunity in the property market.

2.      Understanding your financial landscape is paramount. Evaluate your income, expenses, and existing debts to determine a realistic budget. Partnering this with a mortgage assessment will provide a clear picture of how much you can borrow. Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently explore properties within your financial comfort zone.


3.      Navigating chains and carpet bagging; these can be bewildering terms, but they are critical concepts to grasp. Chains refer to the interdependency of property transactions, while carpet bagging involves opportunistic offers made above the asking price. As a buyer or seller, understanding these dynamics helps you make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of the market.


4.      In the UK, making offers involves a delicate dance between buyer and seller. Research local markets, liaise with estate agents, and master the art of negotiation. Meanwhile, in Scotland, the 'offers over' system prevails, promoting transparency and fair play. Understanding these regional nuances empowers you to make strategic and competitive offers.


5.      In the current housing landscape, we often hear the term "seller's market." This means that demand for homes outweighs the supply, giving sellers the upper hand in negotiations. Despite this, patience is your ally. Understanding market dynamics and being strategic in your approach will position you for success, even in a competitive environment.


Embarking on the journey of buying a home or investing in property requires a blend of knowledge, strategy, and patience. Especially in the current housing market, having a seasoned guide by your side can make all the difference. At GoGreen Financial Services, we're here to hold your hand through every step of the process, ensuring a smooth and successful journey. Tackle the beginning with confidence – let's make your property dreams a reality!

Sarah Hubbard - - 01635 242939


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  • sarahhubbard9

As the sun sets on 2023, it's time to pause, reflect, and welcome the promise of a brand new year. At GoGreen Financial Services, this year has been a whirlwind of challenges, milestones, and unexpected joys. Join me as I look back at the past six months of trading, navigating the storms, and embracing the madness that defined this transformative journey.

June 6th, 2023, marked not only the inception of GoGreen Financial Services but also a special day – Francesca's birthday. Little did we know that this juncture would be the starting point of an incredible adventure. This year has been no walk in the park. From the lingering effects from the Liz Truss nightmare to the shadows of war and oil price rises and the relentless increases in swap and mortgage rates, the challenges seemed never-ending. With living costs so high it was really important to me to get mortgage costs down as much as possible for my client’s, even when deals were pulled suddenly..(thanks lenders).

Starting a business amid the chaos might be considered madness, and adding the arrival of baby Georgia to the mix could be seen as the pinnacle of adventurous decision-making (eek). Yet, in the midst of what some might call madness, I have found unparalleled joy. Georgia's arrival brought a new kind of motivation, a reminder of the beauty in taking bold steps.

To my clients – you are the heart of GoGreen Financial Services. Your trust, support, and partnership have been the driving force behind my journey, so far! In a year where uncertainty prevailed, your loyalty has been the anchor that kept me steady and sane. Thank you, sincerely, for being the foundation on which I am building my dreams.

As we step into the blank canvas of 2024, the excitement is palpable. My commitment to sustainable finance deepens, and I’m eager to embark on new initiatives. The year ahead holds promises of charity partnerships, tree-planting endeavours, and the potential growth of the GoGreen team.

The rollercoaster of 2023 has taught me resilience, the importance of embracing the unexpected, and the joy that comes from pursuing my dreams. I'm filled with gratitude for the challenges and triumphs that have shaped GoGreen Financial Services into what it is so far.

Here's to the end of a challenging yet transformative half year and the beginning of an exciting new chapter. 

Wishing you all a Happy New Year filled with prosperity, joy, and green adventures!

Lots of love Sarah x

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  • sarahhubbard9

As a mortgage broker, my professional journey has taken me to countless homes, each with its own unique story. Recently, however, I embarked on a fascinating adventure - one that allowed me to explore the world of green homes and meet their environmentally-conscious owners. What unfolded was a tapestry of inspiring narratives, proving that the path to sustainable living is not just about reducing our carbon footprint but also about creating a brighter, more comfortable future for ourselves and generations to come.

The first green home I visited belonged to the Cambo family. Their journey towards sustainability began with a desire to make a positive impact on the environment and, surprisingly, ended up revolutionizing their lives in unexpected ways. Mrs. Cambo gleefully shared, "It's not just about saving the planet; it's about creating a healthier and more comfortable space for our family."

As a mortgage broker, my role in this green revolution has never been more rewarding. Guiding clients toward green home financing options not only aligns with my personal passion for environmental conservation but also opens up a world of benefits for homeowners. The demand for eco-friendly homes is on the rise, and financial incentives for green living are becoming increasingly prevalent.

The true beauty of going green lies in the myriad of choices available. From energy-efficient appliances to sustainable building materials, the options are not only environmentally friendly but also economically savvy. The Cambos, for example, were thrilled to discover that their initial investment in solar panels not only reduced their energy bills but also increased the overall value of their home.

But it's not just about the dollars saved – it's about the positive impact on the planet. According to a recent study, green homes contribute significantly to reducing carbon emissions and ecological footprints. By opting for sustainable living, homeowners actively participate in the global movement toward a more environmentally conscious society.

In my role, I find immense satisfaction in aiding clients on their journey to green living. Beyond the financial benefits, witnessing the transformation of a house into an eco-friendly haven is a testament to the power each individual holds in making a difference. The sense of responsibility we share for the world we leave behind for our children and future generations fuels my commitment to promoting sustainable living.

As we move forward, I am optimistic about the increasing recognition and rewards for green homeowners. Governments and organizations worldwide are acknowledging the pivotal role individuals play in combating climate change. Future incentives and rewards for green initiatives are on the horizon, making the prospect of embracing a sustainable lifestyle even more enticing.

In the end, it's about more than just bricks and mortar; it's about building a better world. Green homes not only benefit the environment but also enhance the quality of life for those who dwell within. So, whether you're a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned property owner, consider the positive impact you can make by choosing a green path. Together, let's turn houses into homes that not only shelter us but also contribute to a healthier, happier planet.

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